helping each other on Help to Claim?- you said….yes please….

Initial responses to the survey are very clear that we would like to set up two groups from our peer group – one for incoming providers and one for outgoing. The incoming group would like video calls for comms and the outgoing would like video calls and emails.

We will work on setting these systems up. If you have not yet had your say – here is the very short survey.

If you wonder what it is about – here are some views from fellow CEOs

I would like us to be able to generate some coherent resistance to the imposed application of TUPE and bring a clear and co-ordinated challenge to CitA. I still fear too many CEOs are getting mired in the detail rather than dealing with the fundamental principle that CitA cannot make TUPE apply by just saying it does and should not be able to impose a requirement for an LCA to act contrary to its own legal advice as a condition of accepting funding.

given that some incoming are changing their mind it would be interesting to get a National view on how they see this 2022/2023 and how we should refer clients

Feeling very slightly abandoned by CitA to just get on with it, with some very uncertain liability figures. Our Board is understandably nervous that committing to the HTC contract carries high risks and creates little local value for our service. Timescales to get all this done are quite frightening

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